
Looking for piano or keyboard lessons in the East or Mid Lothian? Look no further than Valerie Fuller ALCM for Piano Lessons!
As well as being a first class pianist, uniquely for a tutor, Val also has a huge amount of knowledge and understanding of electonic keyboards and digital pianos and will also help you to get and make the very best use of your instrument. This knowledge is not to the exclusion of acoustic pianos naturally! She will happily teach on either.
Whether a pure beginner or a more advance player looking to develop further musically, classes are availablie now for all ages and abilities. Providing fun and educational lessons for all levels and ages in the comfort of your own home. ABRSM, Trinity and SQA exams or lessons just for fun!
Contact Val now and just see how quickly and easy you can learn!
Mobile : 07840969042 Email :
Valerie Fuller ALCM.