Here to Help
We offer home/onsite visits for all instruments, subject to a minimum call charge. It is preferable for portable instruments to be uplifted for workshop repair. Smaller instruments can be couriered to us or dropped off strictly by prior arrangement. Turn around time can vary due to awaiting parts. We aim to complete repairs within 5-working days however.
Whatever the repair, there will be a minimum charge for our professional services based on the type of service required and location. Quotations available on request. Full settlement is required on or before completion.
Action Repairs
Problems with the action, whether it be sliggish keys or loud notes is fairly common and normally easily rectified on a digital piano.This is a typical image of a digital piano having some work carried out to do some maintenence work on the action to correct sticking, sluggish notes.
Fault Finding
This is a typical view of inside a digital piano.
We have a range of diagnostic equipment that we can use to help pin point faults. Most of the time however, it is our +30 years experience that points us to look in the right area, to be able to give you a fast an accurate diagnosis.